astrology-informed self-love coach and wholeness mentor Lisa

Hi - I'm Lisa!
And my mission is to introduce you to . . .

The Soulmate Within

I'm inviting you on a path to feeling:
โœง totally free,
โœง already whole,
โœง and always at home.
It's a beautiful journey of fully meeting and befriending all your inner parts and stepping into your authentic Core Self - your position of unshakable peace and conscious power, your true home, from which you can lead yourself and all those inner parts into the most flourishing expression of your true unique essence!

Are you ready for the greatest romance of your life ๐Ÿ’• - with the one person who's always been there and always will be?

You probably guessed it: That person is YOU! And because it's you who's with you for every experience and interaction in your life, and it's your voice that's telling and creating your story inside your own mind, that's exactly where your biggest leverage is for transmuting fear into love and chaos into peace.When you know how to lead yourself with love, the overwhelm falls away and the world suddenly feels like a much safer place to be in.Whenever you're ready, The Soulmate Within is here to launch you from surviving into thriving:

Before ๐Ÿ˜”After ๐Ÿค—
You know you should make more time for your self-care but it usually ends up last on your priority list.Your self-care is a non-negotiable priority and you actually do sit your ass down to meditate or whatever it is that helps you fill your cup and flourish.
You keep your boldest dreams, quirkier interests and unique views in a secret drawer because it feels too scary to risk being ridiculed or rejected for them.You know your quirks, your flamboyance, your wild ideas and your boldness are not for everyone and that's exactly why you love them the most.
You're expending a ton of energy on people and relationships that are draining your vibe or limiting your expression - or both!You let your heart feel what it wants to feel - AND you show up to protect it and your precious energy by setting loving boundaries with others and yourself.
You know that there's a mission or a creative project waiting to be birthed through you but you can't bring yourself to stop procrastinating.You've learned that procrastination is entirely a result of how you let certain inner parts speak to yourself. You change that tone - you get shit done!
When life gets hard, you doubt your own abilities, other peopleโ€™s loyalty, whether you really belong somewhere and whether you even matter at all.You belong. You matter. Neither is up for debate - because you have decided so and stick by it, giving yourself an extra dose of compassion and encouragement whenever the going gets rough.
You can't quite put your finger on it but something in your life feels tight and limiting. Sometimes you wonder: Is that all there is?When you find yourself wondering "is that all there is" excitement creeps in immediately because you know that you are free to go wherever your curious heart leads you.
Photo of Lisa from Already Home Astrology traveling

Most of us are all too familiar with the struggles I just described here โฌ†๏ธ - I know I was!Because most of us aren't so lucky to be guided and encouraged towards the free unfolding and empowerment of our Core Authentic Self . . . instead we're told and conditioned to be quiet, small and like everybody else. Well-adjusted, not rocking the boat. Sacrificing our own needs at the altar of external acceptance. So that we can be approved of, hence belong, hence be safe.But at some point, the voices inside of us questioning the truth of that conditioned safety and belonging get louder and we get tired of sacrificing our own needs for fear of losing certain relationships and tired of playing small.There's a boldness buried deep inside of you, kept alive by the flame of your Inner Spark, and even though asserting your boundaries still feels scary, possibly losing certain relationships still feels scary, and fully stepping into your shine and worthiness still feels scary, you know a different way of living and relating is calling to you.This different way starts with acknowledging that you are not crazy for hearing a myriad of distinct inner voices - some of them calling you to step outside your comfort zone, take creative risks and release dependencies on other people's approval and validation . . . Others urging you to stick with what's kept you 'safe' (or at least alive) in the past.If you can already differentiate some of these voices, you're actually very aware and perceptive, even when it often feels like they're tearing you into a bunch of confusing directions. Each of these voices - plus all the ones you haven't even met yet! - is a part of you, and while it may look like some of them are just constantly holding you back and trying to sabotage you, I can show you the tools to not only calm them down but, one after the other, bring them ALL ABOARD for whatever it is that sets your Inner Spark ablaze - be it a creative project, a business endeavor, creating the relationship of your dreams, restructuring your life so you can travel the world . . . and, nearly as a side effect, you will achieve something that's always been at the very top of my personal life goal list: creating the absolute BEST possible relationship with yourself!In fact, you will become:โ€ข Your own personal Empowerment Coach.
โ€ข Your own fiercely loyal and ever-compassionate best friend.
โ€ข And... you probably guessed it - your own loving SOULMATE WITHIN.

Can you imagine what an unstoppable force you would become with this inner support team always by your side?!

A person feeling already free, already whole and already home.

How you become un-f*ck-with-able:

The astonishing transformation that THE SOULMATE WITHIN leads you towards rests on 4 key components. Instead of a rigid, one-size-fits-all type of structure, we will move fluidly between them according to your individual needs and process. Everybody's journey is different and we'll have ample time to circle back to whatever step needs more attention during the 3-month container I'm opening and holding for you. The key steps are: STOP, LISTEN and LEAD - plus the crucial phase of practice and INTEGRATION.Some people in your life will have a hard time recognizing you after these 3 months! And, disclaimer, not everybody will necessarily be supportive of the change you're manifesting for yourself. Anyone who has benefited in the past from you abandoning your own needs, desires and boundaries will be very unpleasantly surprised . . . which may sound scary from today's point of view but I promise you - you will be unfazed by the prospect of anyone and anything that's holding you back from expressing your TRUE SHINE leaving your proximity after we've been through this process together.Let's explore the 4 key components in more detail:

01 Stop

Before we do anything else, we'll get really clear on where you're currently at. What's the quality of the relationship you've got with yourself right now? What are the blocks and triggers currently presenting in your life? Where do you feel held back? What resources and opportunities are present for you? And how does your birth chart speak to all of that? What's the highest potential according to your karmic blueprint and most heartfelt desires? You will learn the techniques to interrupt your habitual patterns, stop and find the space and stillness to center into and align with your Core Self.

02 Listen

From this place of calm, centered clarity you will learn to hold space for each and every inner part of yourself that is trying to be heard - and often has been for a while. We'll allow for whatever needs to be felt and wants to be released. Instead of pushing away the unwanted or confusing voices inside, we will meet them with openness and curiosity in a safe container. With my support and guidance, you will question all the limiting beliefs these parts operate from and finally understand their stories and motivations.

03 Lead

Once your parts begin to feel heard and seen by YOU, as your authentic Core Self, they stop trying to hijack your consciousness and run the show. Instead of being identified with them and trying to solve problems from their necessarily limited beliefs and perspective, you will begin to embody your Inner Spark and Inner Leader. We will work on mediating between the needs of different parts and come up with creative strategies which they'll all be on board with and, most importantly, which will lead you closer to your most desired reality.

04 Integration

Having gone through the STOP โ€ข LISTEN โ€ข LEAD process, you will begin to notice that the relationship you have with yourself and all your parts has taken on a tone and quality you didn't think possible before. You know how to ground into your inner peace and treat yourself with fierce compassion and unshakable loyalty. Now it's time to practice this new mode of being in the world and really establish it as your new normal. I'll be there to help you become aware quickly when old patterns resurface and keep you accountable to handle these moments from the wisdom of your Core Self, not from identification with your Inner Critic.

Trust me . . .

If you feel scared to be quirky and stand out - you're missing out on getting to know the exceptional being that you truly are and that could be your best friend and soulmate within!

Because guess what - if we'd all be living authentically, we'd ALL be quirky and stand out! The only reason "normal" is even a word is because we've all tried so frikkin' hard for so long to fit in, be approved and hang on to the slightest sense of safety that comes from being accepted by other people . . .- but in the process we actually lose touch more and more with the one thing able to provide a sense of safety that runs so deep that you'll feel totally free, already whole and always at home: being a LOVING partner to yourself, a true soulmate within.

Photo of Lisa from Already Home Astrology

The Soulmate Within

A 3-month transformative journey to wholeness and self-love.

Let's take you from waking up in the morning to the stress of feeling already behind, dog-paddling for a sense of adequacy and safety, to waking up to inner peace and quiet, centered in the knowing that you are a miraculous one-time spectacle on the stage of life who's meant to thrive and flourish instead of just scraping by.If you want to commit to yourself for real, this is the structure in which you will unlock your true home, right in the center of your own being:

  • 12 Coaching Calls over Zoom with me adapted to your schedule, including:

  • 3 prescheduled Coaching Calls (~ 90 minutes each) per month

  • incl. a 2.5 hour call in the first month in which we'll workshop your birth chart together and extract all the illuminating messages it holds for your self-love journey

  • 1 flexible bonus call per month for ad hoc support / challenges / breakthroughs

  • VIP access to guidance and support by me through WhatsApp voice notes in between coaching calls

  • A customized subconscious reprogramming meditation to help you bust through your blocks and stay on track even after the container ends

The journey to your most self-loving timeline can be undertaken in English or German.

Lisa dancing in nature

"Loving yourself means feeling at home wherever you are."

Come aboard and stay in the loop...

Whether you're ready to completely transform how you feel in and move through your life yet or whether you'd just like to stay in the loop of self-love inspiration - drop your e-mail below and I'll send you my 1-hour masterclass on How To Melt Your Blocks as a welcome gift and other lil' love notes from time to time. ๐Ÿ’Œ

Click an icon below to stay in touch on social or drop me a message through e-mail - I absolutely love hearing from you and will gladly answer any questions about "The Soulmate Within" or whatever else you're curious about. ๐Ÿงก

almost done!

Please click the "Confirm" button in the e-mail we've just sent you to allow us to send you love letters. ๐Ÿ’ŒThank you for showing up to life and showing up for yourself today!
It's a brave act to step outside the rat race long enough to notice that THIS IS YOUR LIFE and that you deserve to live it on your terms and at your most radiant expression.